Thursday, October 6, 2016

Yoshinaga-san'Chi No Gargoyle is pretty insightful with their mini stories

How many anime touch the topic of trauma or ptsd? This one does.
For simple anime animation I can say that I've never met such kindhearted anime characters in any realm of my imagination. The gargoyle that protects the main character is loving and patient. The main character is a cute, tomboyish little girl who has a sensitive, meek brother. I love how it showcases different aspects of humanity without being too cheesy or cliche. When I was growing up I was a sometimes, loud, obnoxious child full of questions. When I didn't get my way sometimes I would loudly pout, stomp my feet and even throw a tantrum. That kind of attitude did not agree with my folks and a smack on the butt or a time-out would reset me back to my decency but that was all a normal part of growing up.

Anyways I like this show. It's not cliche and its still family friendly and good-hearted even though it touches upon serious matter at times.

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